Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 72 - 84 of 669 matches total
...i have laid on some traditional chinese instruments. ,starry_night,remix,media,attribution,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr,passion,female_v
silent night (traditional) ,sample,media,bpm_080_085,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr,flac,vbr,christmas,traditional,instrumental...
black swan (vo1k1 mix) featuring several clips from kaefurious’ “black swan” vocals. the clips are used as vocals, as well as for texture and fx...
sound peace stomp another ninjam session recorded on the 21st august with sonar : synths bass drums paz : guitar m.m.celeste : guitar ( if you u...
abstract jam during the first lockdown; we started jamming on ninjam, and still play there evry now and then. these stems are from a very experimental...
the blacksmiths horse the art of using cavalry in warfare may not have developed as quickly as it did without the work of the farrier. the shoeing of...
brown and gold (vo1k1 mix) featuring several clips from leza boyland’s “brown & gold” vocals. the clips are used as vocals, as well as for textu...
arthur mcbride (trad.) guitar noodling on a traditional irish folk melody. will add dry stems. recorded on an adam black acoustic guitar ...
100 paper washingtons by scomber something went wrong with the links info for on this track the credits may be wrong plz let me know if you played o...
emerge (vo1k1 mix) featuring sackjo22’s “emerge in love” spoken word. the spoken word vocals are used entirely for texture. the track started wi...
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