Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 444 - 456 of 644 matches total
...ons to tis remix, i decided to change the mentioned critical points and overworked the remix here and there... . thanks for the r
making me nervous (spectrakid's remix) my first attempt at actually remixing a song, heard a version of it in reaper and decided to do my... treatment but decided to stay true to the genre. the weird thing about this song is that it was one of the truly great orig
a trip to purgatory on christmas day before i post a more traditional christmas piece i just decided to have some non denominational free...
rest (for a while) (demo) i know my songs can be a bit short, and after reading some feedback on rest (for a bit), i decided to try and m...
shelly ryan after months of blocking this name on twitter, i decided to find out who this woman is. lol media,remix,bpm_115_120,downtempo...
...cording tonight and decided to give this a go, since i've had [url=]scott's awesome popta
i have da pawah (he-man) i love cuajito's song, it's kind of funny. and i decided to do a trancy sound, this time i only used samples fro...
...nds, but eventually decided to go with a more minimal (or at least minimal for me) approach. i might add vocals eventually, but i
...els. finally, i've decided to cut just some part of some songs, sliced, detuned ( a bit), those little pieces, and reconstructed an
...ars, pellas... so i decided to only use his music and not add drums or other thing from me. i had the pell at 95 bpm so i chopped a
music improvement - suddenly beautiful i tried to mix around but then just decided to lay it straight on, think it works best... media,re...
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