Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 348 - 360 of 979 matches total
review of 'forest muse ballad' by 'wired ant' ooops - nearly missed this! what a mighty furious remix and drive! yes - skilled in every...
review of 'secret things feat. snowflake' by 'hans atom' great drive in the pop rhythm! great arragnement, nicely mixed! 3 hours of work ...
review of 'hack the forest' by 'timberman' hey, great track. nice energy and drive. great prodution too. thanks for letting me be part of...
review of 'just drive (robbero mix)' by 'kara square' cool and catchy with an 80s vibe! i like! as w.a. mentioned, it's so neat how you...
review of 'just drive (robbero mix)' by 'wired ant' really exiting way to remix tsan great pellas!!! like especially how you formed richâ...
review of 'i spy (with my little eye)' by 'annabloom' cool swing cool drive [up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'muse' by 'speck' invigorating drive/beat infused (enmused?) with a clever collection of vocal samples. enjoyed and energized.
review of 'in a box' by 'speck' excellent exciting mix. really good arrangement and thump thump drive. much enjoyed., a tight, rhythm-driven band and pro production (is that two pros side by side?) muchos [up][/up]'s up!
review of 'no forever' by 'texasradiofish' great head bopping beat, r less reverb could tighten up the drive but then it might loose its ...
review of 'drift of song' by 'texasradiofish' what midi driven synth are using for the lfo bass, super? [up][/up]
review of 'just drive' by 'kara square' really cool remix. great build. nice use of the stereo field (heard well with headphones). i l...
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