Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 324 - 336 of 539 matches total
...hing my arms out as wide as i can).
review of 'freedom to share (gurdonark chant)' by 'speck' nice variety within a tight structure. succinct and satisfying.
review of 'freedom to share (gurdonark chant)' by 'admiral bob' there's a lot of variety in the voices, which are united by the chant; as...
review of 'wakeup' by 'donniedrost' pretty good, but i expected a bit more variety in the second part of the track. nevertheless, good w...
review of 'the soul longs' by 'speck' a great thematic vocal variety pack. the ending is a welcome cool down after the build. really well...
review of 'wake up and get into the groove' by 'mc jack in the box' great mashup man! compiling a tight linear package from a wide variet...
review of 'the remixin' blues' by 'snowflake' you've made me smile, wide. you are so freakin' awesome bob. love the tone of your voice. t... of the rap is so wide that it loses some of the punch, especially when the piano plays. excellent track though. nice one.
.... i love the simple wide open feel too it. i would love to try this but i am sure i will clutter it up lol a+[up][/up][up][/up][up][
review of 'too young' by 'admiralbob77' love the wide open atmosphere on this lovely ballad. [up][/up]
review of 'too young' by 'snowflake' reading the introduction to your mix caused me to burst into tears....and open my heart widely with ...
...easily be used in a variety of places (beyond my headphones, of course).
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