Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 312 - 324 of 563 matches total
...choral singers work incredibly well with the words "we the people"... thanks for working with my vox!
review of 'rock soup' by 'speck' whoa, that's one of the longest ingredients lists i've seen. incredibly cohesive whole, well done and sa...
review of 'cry wolf' by 'texasradiofish' sounds incredibly like live music, fb
review of 'be dada' by 'mind map that!' well, this is incredibly fun. light, enjoyable, with a huge splash of intricate intrigue. i lik...
review of 'be dada' by 'speck' this is the most appealing music i've heard since your last upload.
review of 'like i do' by 'rocavaco' yeah !! [up][/up][up][/up] you're working so incredibly fast, don't know what to write each time ...
review of 'a new may day' by 'mind map that!' absolutely beautiful. your piano piece is incredibly moving... snowflakes pell is extra in...
review of 'uke can do it' by 'speck' a great example of an excellent sample. appealing music, well played and cleanly recorded.
review of 'from the root' by 'mind map that!' the instrumental alone is an incredibly emotional endeavor... which i really love. it was ...
review of '20 bucks' by 'speck' this song has an elemental purity about it that's very appealing. nicely done.
review of 'strike the root' by 'sackjo22' what a great lyric! wow! i love it. and the song is incredibly anathemic, moving. great work...
review of 'don't blink' by 'fireproof_babies' mmt- i know this seems incredibly self-serving, but i do like the song. we've both put a lo...
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