Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 252 - 264 of 502 matches total again on it. i actually changed quite a lot of things from the first try. i wanted to write an acoustic / folk / country / c
cool dudes key of a... the actual changes can be found in my last organ pads upload... wanna be a cool dude too cool to make it t... ,guitar(which is actually bass)voices and kalimba. its pretty short and repetitive but its all i got. thanks ,sample,media,bpm_
wednesday was yesterday ...and sometimes i actually get around to finishing a song... thank you media,remix,bpm_070_075,how_i_did_it,e...
stay-for this moment (tms expounding remix) this piece was actually inspired by "daft punks" "tron soundtrack", well the first part. i go...
no alternative i actually want to finish this one. it needs to kick back in about 04:15 but if it goes on like this and i use all the pel..., since the track actually sounds like an intro to a track. media,remix,bpm_125_130,trackback,in_video,bass,drums,female_vocals,gu
random cascade of sound this actually happens often. i'll be playing fallout new vegas and my game stalls, but the sound effects keep pla...
waylaid (my shadow/your smile) another attempt with the luscious vocals of elias nego. i actually played the guitar on this. not sure whe...
... i love to dance. i actually tore the lcl in my knee july 28, 2010, dancing. i was almost done editing the pieces for this track,
soft choir in space i'm actually quite satisfied with this simple, chill drum beat with an interesting soft choir accompaniment, but let ...
...more beauty than is actually within, thus providing narrow eyesight media,remix,bpm_080_085,chill,drums,female_vocals,piano,non_com
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