Deep Roots Remix Event

Search Results

Viewing 20172 - 20184 of 20442 matches total
deutscheunschuld review of "overreacting redux" really nice.......but i'm afraid, that the tuning is off in a couple of places.....
...sound good, though. realize that if we turn it up, it gets more distorted and we can't see your talents if we can't hear them.
if review of "sound of the future" hello teru, just listening to your track and i have to say that it sounds really great. i really l...
teru review of "new idea" this is a five in my books but i wish it was twice as long. samples would be great. there are some really swee...
teru review of "berimbau" nice. makes my coffee taste better. i hope someone from brazil reviews this. that would be really cool. : ...
...nd phrases that can really ignite the creative juices. so, i'm definitely recognizing a certain part of this song like the back of m
teru review of "official sounds" ahhh...... missed ya. : ) drums are nice. real nice. click- clack- pow.
fourstones review of "language of my reality" i phuking hate vocoder -- sorry i just do, it's a personal, emotional issue. i can rarely ...
teru review of "language of my reality" great job on the vocoder. very nice. refeshing. : )
...ra's comments are a real eye opener though. nice to have fresh ears. ; ) i guess calling it a hip-hop mix is what will get you in
cezary ostrowski review of "language of my reality" horrible! much better than i expected :)
cdk review of "language of my reality" good mix, but i have to say tho vocals do the song no justice
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