Deep Roots Remix Event

Search Results

Viewing 142188 - 142200 of 142645 matches total
fujimo review of "big szplapnad" i like what you do but this track doesn't seem nearly as focused as the last one.
gerador zero review of "wired mash up (dub look mix)" fala crispa! review em inglãªs em consideraã§ã£o ao resto do mundo. :) i can picture a smoke...
gerador zero review of "dangerouse" wow. really. :)
gerador zero review of "matmosphere" very nice mashing! there are some sounds that, imho, don't fit quite right by the middle of the track, but it's ...
(er, for the record, there is word substitution back end to the forum that i guess replaces the 'f' word. otherwise i don't prune anything.) mean...
mc jack in the box review of "critical beatdown" boring.
mc jack in the box review of "no stars, no a&rs' (short sweet mix)" sorry. didn't like it.
dr. colossus review of "no (pave - 1000 drums remix)" its really not, you stupid, ignorant, talentless, piece of shit. think of all the starving kids...
mc jack in the box review of "no a&r's" meh.
dr. colossus review of "no (pave - straight ahead remix)" well if you are running a clean show i'd take that sample down pretty quick. its either fro...
ccmixter admin review of "no (pave - straight ahead remix)" (did we censor that? what the *censored*? i'll have to look into that)
mc jack in the box review of "no (pave - 1000 drums remix)" absolutely terrible.
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