Deep Roots Remix Event

Search Results

Viewing 142104 - 142116 of 142659 matches total
the "ant-eater" review of ""nonono" - 00afro speirchuka mix" that remix is sho nuff phat!!!!
the "ant-eater" review of "wadidyusay (beatgorilla's 28 grams remix)" phat!!!!
the fog society review of "oceans" i like it...
dustred review of "dislocation" your more than welcome to dude. :0)
johnny aisfercorey enurklass review of "i unknitted it broken" whoa! what a most excellent mix! it had a wicked jive and a killer groove. it touched ...
fourstones review of "time is telling you" well this song is totally mis-tagged -- it's got nothing to do with ambient or techno -- it's a rock balla...
fourstones review of "fly in my dreams" i have very mixed feelings about this -- it doesn't seem to work as well as your first mix of lisa -- at firs...
fourstones review of "below" wow, i like this a lot. shows a lot of discipline to keep it that minimal. definitely needs to be mastered up.
debenedictis review of "below" mmm, spooky! i like it.
future boy review of "critical beatdown" i think you could have been more extreme. you have an odd sense of what pushes the limits of "being cla...
future boy review of "no a&r's" i could take it or leave it.
j review of "wall drill" hey cool synths, like the ambience. and the voice is good harmony with the whole. the beginning of the angry drums remembers...
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