Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 1188 - 1200 of 1326 matches total
...mess. you, however, manage to keep it smooth and focused. great track[up][/up]
... miraculous how you manage to pull it all into a cohesive and polished whole.
...that you again have managed to come up with something great. it's a massive, atmospheric and slightly dark piece with a great produc
..... love how well u managed the changes between verses..[up][/up]
...ways wonder how you manage that 'phat' sound that transpires with all of your mixes... i sometimes get flimsicle (that a real word?)
... scomber (i think?) managed to get round to it. you are a singer for christmas... horaah... have a great christmas. [up][/up]
review of 'sextet for the shameless times' by 'colab' ahh now. in many ways this is my favourite of yours yet. you manage to combin...
review of 'the promise (acoustic mix)' by 'mana junkie' this was a creepy kind of cool, panu. love your acoustical backing to this. very ...
review of 'the promise' by 'mana junkie' a very cool composition here, derek. love the flow here and what you've done with the vocals.
review of 'move ya body (fondue burn mix)' by 'mana junkie' this is very cool. and i love my fondue! :) music to fondue by? well wonders ...
... go with it. this manages to hit all of my buttons at once. great work.
... but instead you've managed to blend the various elements together in the most natural (no pun intended) way. very, very enjoya
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