Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 11184 - 11196 of 11423 matches total
return of the boom bap (blip) return of the boom bap means just that...(blip) media,remix,downtempo,drums,funky,instrumental,piano,scratching,trip_hop...
wake up to the law it is a mash-up made in colaboration with jishnu aka thelaw. i recept mp3 fragment file funkydrummer(electro-synth-loops) by e-mail...
quieter bouzouki plan a simple combination of bouzouki and electronic sounds. media,remix,trackback,in_video,bouzouki,electronic,attribution,audio,mp3...
my beloved media,remix,bpm_090_095,downtempo,electronic,instrumental,irish_bouzouki,attribution,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr
oboe-one-kenobi_dnb_mix the great, flowing woodwind sound of puie's "oboe-one-kenobi" goes surprisingly well with a little drum-and-bass... media,remi...
not a test bobby lovelock (aka lyricil) on the mic, alo on the 1's and 2's (good to meet you alo-check out alo's public domain at www.naiveterecords.c...
quarter-inch jack (source) the source for a one-off robot-rap. techinnuendo abounds. sample,media,bpm_100_105,electro,electronic,puns,robot,synthesize...
borderline - hood rock remix this is a hardcore hip hop/ rock remix of borderline. media,remix,bpm_080_085,downtempo,funky,guitar,hip_hop,male_vocals,...
that's how we do it-feat dr_concoction (brown nose mix part 2) sorry about the poor mix with vocals. ( the hum and and some poping) i'll try to work o...
hobo's son (got the blues) i like this vocal and i gots tha blues!! media,remix,bpm_080_085,downtempo,dusty,fi_ish,male_vocals,non_commercial,audio,mp...
lemmiwinks a song about that famous gerbil from south park. originally sung for my band the other white noise. submited for reference on the 'pella....
making me nervous (cyberpest mix 3.9) oldie but goodie sez victor a few month ago about my rmx of brad classic. media,remix,bpm_120_125,trackback,in_...
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