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Browse Playlists Featuring "A short reflection about love"

Ivan Chew's ccMixter Ideas Bag created by Ivan Chew (ramblinglibrarian) items: 230

ideas check_out_later...

The Cool Music Archive created by MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox) items: 769


Cool Music - (July 4 - July 11) created by MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox) items: 16

bass chill dance downtempo drums electronic female_vocals funky hip_hop jazz male_vocals melody piano rap scratching spo...

( : Nyx's FaVoRiTeS 2008 : ) created by Citizen Nyx (nyx) items: 104

ambient bass chill classical downtempo drums electro electronic experimental female_vocals funky guitar hip_hop instrume...

spinmeister's Favorites created by spinmeister items: 117

ambient bass chill classical dance downtempo drums electro electronic experimental female_vocals funky guitar hip_hop in...