Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress


About Me
The history of the project of Vate as musical public proposal is relatively recent, however, the technical and musical development has occurred since 1988. It began as a mere experimentation and game in a simple keyboard until the use in 1999 of Internet as window to expose the music created especially in the last years.

Obviously it is aimed to generate a musical style that takes the best of diverse musical and artistic streams. Electronic music is the main axis of this project and is supported by ideas by other genres such as progressive rock or ethnic music. However it is sought to also generate a very subtle criticism to the present environment of the human being. This is the case of the track “Country not for you” in which distorted the speeches from Kennedy and Nixon in order insinuate the true intentions of their governments. In ” Seis Segadoras Verdes”, which comes accompanied by the story of the same name, describes an utopist vision of Mexico.
Member since
Mon, Dec 20, 2004
vate is found 2 times in playlists
vate has no remixes and has been remixed 12 times.
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