Imagination Rising Remix Event
Fri, Sep 2 5:44 AM Bugs :: stream and download buttons
when I click on the download-button nothing happens. firefox 1.06
Fri, Aug 12 10:01 AM Features :: Why not support Ogg?
that's great victor!
Thu, Aug 11 10:47 PM Features :: Why not support Ogg?
Ogg is offering better quality at lower resolutions than MP3, why not support it...
Thu, Jul 7 7:56 PM Help :: Copyright: CC versus non-CC
CellarOfRats, I have the standard BUMA contract. I don't think anything special ...
Thu, Jul 7 3:36 AM Help :: Copyright: CC versus non-CC
In my contract with BUMA/STEMRA they state that also for future work they are &q...
Wed, Jul 6 6:17 AM Help :: Copyright: CC versus non-CC
Maybe I should add that this morning BUMA/STEMRA simply told me I can't put my m...
Wed, Jul 6 1:38 AM Help :: Copyright: CC versus non-CC
I want to talk about the commercial side of copyright. Not the art-part, purely ...
Sun, Jun 5 11:01 AM DIY :: What's the difference
maybe sfc+ is better. just tried Nuendo 2.239 this evening and using an Akai sam...
Sun, Jun 5 4:21 AM DIY :: What's the difference
but sfc's cpu usage is enourmous. at least in Live. sound is good though.
Fri, Jun 3 9:07 AM DIY :: What's the difference
I hear good things about Fruity. Here are a few of my hints: - Ableton Live...
Fri, May 20 9:26 AM Help :: Magnatune contest: why can't we use mixter samples?
The license they have choose is a NonCommercial one. So it IS considered Non Co...
Fri, May 20 3:55 AM Help :: Magnatune contest: why can't we use mixter samples?
Why this: Music licensed under the Sampling licenses (i.e. most of what is curr...
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