Imagination Rising Remix Event
Geert Veneklaas:

Geert Veneklaas

About Me
Thanks for visiting my profile!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my music or if you want to use or share one of my tracks.

Something about me:
I’m Dutch, born in 1967. Trained to become a music teacher in the eighties but preferred to become a popmusician in the nineties :-) Quit the band (despite some small Dutch hitsuccesses) in 1996 for a better paid job…
Joined ccMixter in 2008 for noncommercial cooperations and did (besides my daytime job) some commercial musicproductions for small videocompanies, since 2008.
What I like: great ideas, honest people, wellcrafted music.

Nowadays composing neoclassical work for piano solo. Check Spotify :-)
Member since
Sat, Apr 5, 2008
Feeds and Podcasts for Geert Veneklaas
Geert Veneklaas is found 168 times in playlists
Geert Veneklaas has 40 remixes and has been remixed 36 times.
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Geert Veneklaas has left 166 reviews and has been reviewed 322 times
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Geert Veneklaas has posted 13 forum messages