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Secret Sauce Secret Mixter

Secret Sauce Secret Mixter
Welcome to the most tantalizing musical feast of the new year! The anticipation is palpable, and the excitement is building as the musical suspense in our ccMixter soul kitchen reaches a boiling point. In this Secret Mixter every note is a spice, and every beat is a dash of flavor.
Feeling saucy? Feeling sweet? From tasty drumrolls to simmering synths, this event promises to be a delicacy for the ears and a delight for the senses. Think of your mix like a recipe of stems, pells and source audio. And although your recipes are shareable, they are to be kept secret until upload day.
Are you ready to savor the Secret Sauce Secret Mixter experience? Mark your calendars, keep those lips sealed, and get ready to immerse yourself in a musical banquet like no other!
Deets and FAQs:
Are you new to Secret Mixters? Read this first before you sign up. Otherwise, put on your chef’s hat and enter the kitchen! Sign up now, your secret sauce ingredient will be assigned to you soon.
Secret Sauce Event Dates:
Sign up between Jan 14 -Jan 27 (goes live today so check back soon)
Assignments go out Jan 28
Upload day is Feb 11
We all want to know what’s in your secret sauce? But remember, don’t share it until upload day. Let it simmer and then serve it up for all to taste!
Drop your favorite sauce in the forums!
The sign up period for this mixup is closed. The mixup particpants should be uploading right now(!)