Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

by Xalpheric
Recommends (5)
Mon, Nov 6, 2017 @ 9:40 AM

Tools I Used

Reaper for Post production and sequence edits
Electribe 2 for drums
Behringer audio interface for recording my synths
Korg Minilogue for pads and leads
Moog minitaur for Basses

All instrumentation is played live into midi and later rendered to wave.
I sometimes record my playing and then make knob tweaks as it loops around.

Samples I Used

All samples are mine save the vox.

Be on the look out for the pack from this remix.

Original Samples

Pretty much everything except the vox was created on the fly.


I had a tune already put together as an instrumental. I knew I wanted some vocals on it but I'm not a good vocalist so I came to ccmixter to see what I could find. Within five minutes I found the perfect vocals. It was so perfect in fact the track only needed minor tweaks to fit it. It seemed almost as for ordained to be together. Thanks! queenie whereever you are.

Other Notes

Magical. Simply fantastic!