How I Did It

by vividsoundlab
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Cubase, Drumloops, NI Massive, EWQL Strings, my bass and electric guitar
Samples I Used
piano and vocal tracks of "Lost" by Snowflake
Original Samples
Basically everything except for the give files by snowflake and the drumloop you hear in the song.
I first loaded the vocal and piano track and listened to it like 10 times. Then ideas came into my mind which I realized. Some of them I dropped but most of them I kept in the project. Slowly but surely the song got filled with more and more elements that helped it to sound the way I wanted.
Other Notes
How I felt when remixing? Amazing. I'm a mixing engineer and producer, but I don't write songs. So I'm always happy to be given an idea, a vocal recording or something else to start creating things around so that it grows and grows just like a small and young flower that grows and rises to its full beauty in the end. Sounds cheesy, I know! But that's what came to my mind first trying to describe what I'm doing.