Join the Season of the Stars Remix Event!

How I Did It

Fear Of Falling
by LastDayOnEarthUK
Recommends (2)
Fri, Nov 29, 2013 @ 2:16 PM

Tools I Used

Presonus Studio One, Superior Drummer, Various Native Instruments plug ins.

Samples I Used

All material original although midi drum grooves from Superior Drummer used as basis of drum track.

Original Samples

All material original alhtough midi drum grooves from Sueprio Drummer used as basis of drum track.


Started with the chord sequence over the drum patterns. Other parts layered on top. Vocals essentially the last main part added. Some tweaking of other parts after vocals added.

Other Notes

Tried this at various tempos, settled on 120 bpm. There is bleeding from headphones noticeable on vocals. There are about 4 or 5 diff vocal tracks mixed together.