Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Waking Me Softly (The Funky A...
by meeba
Recommends (4)
Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 9:33 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Elektron Octatrack
Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard

Samples I Used

"Waking Me Softly" by Snowflake. A+ vocal track!

Original Samples

Synth and bass were created from scratch on the Blofeld.


First thing was chopping loops from the 'pella. This was done in Audacity. I copied the loops to the Octatrack for mangling, came up with some patterns, and laid the drums over it. Then I added the synth and bass. After that, it was just arranging and chopping everything in fun ways until I was able to play it all out.

Other Notes

I was definitely not drinking during this process. Never a once. Okay, well maybe once or four times.