Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

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by norelpref
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Sat, Dec 10, 2005 @ 1:14 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

NINJAM realtime online jam software, Acid Pro 5.0

Samples I Used

all the samples were derived from a NINJAM session (which are under a creative commons license) with the exception of the drums, which I got from a hip-hop drum sample compilation

Original Samples

all the guitar samples are mine


first I reviewed the OGG vorbis files that NINJAM creates during a session and determined which ones I wanted to use. then I pieced them together in Acid Pro. I realized that I needed some kind of spoken word thing to round out the mix, so I went to cc:mixter and found Colin's "Language of My Reality" and it fit right in. I had to add some compression to pump up the vocal so that it would stand out from the overall mix.

Other Notes

I like that most of the samples were created in "realtime", that is, during an actual real world jam session.

the drums and the vocal were the only "non" realtime elements.