
How I Did It

Emerge from Dishonour (Baptism)
by Admiral Bob
Recommends (25)
Fri, Jan 28, 2011 @ 8:56 PM

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

The taiko drum sample of the M-Audio GM module, a door spring, a washboard, shakers, bongoes, StringZ, and a Les Paul

Samples I Used

Anchor Mejans hymn and Debbizo's baptism.

Original Samples

Percussion, pads, guitar


It began with Anchor Mejan's piece. I took it on as a challenge because it isn't in concert pitch, but about 35% flat from concert. So I repitched it, and tried to find a tempo for it. The tempo I found didn't work on the taiko drums, so I slowed it down until it did. I put Baptism" in place, but just the first minute of it: I wanted to sing its redemption, to help build the song to a peak. The climactic line is Latin from Catholic liturgy: "Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world." In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist says this shortly before describing to two disciples about how he had baptized Jesus the day before, which I kind of wanted to reflect here.

Then I quiet it down quickly, and let Anchor solo it out.

Then I just added and added and added natural percussion, trying to make the whole thing as orchestral as percussion can be, with complex parts weaving in and out like melody.

Other Notes

It was fun. I really didn't know where it was going, and other than ensuring I didn't just do the same old, same old guitar histrionics, I just let it go where it wanted to go.

I'm happy with it.