How I Did It

by Ivan Chew
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
GarageBand '08.
Macbook Pro.
Samples I Used
All from ccMixter. Just panu's pell.
Original Samples
Piano, bass and strings (GarageBand software instrument).
Imported panu's pell into GarageBand. Decided to do a piano version. Tried to find the right key. Managed to settle on a simple chord arrangement that sounded OK.
I largely left panu's pell intact. The rest of the work was working on the piano track (quantized them, and also added the higher notes). Then added the bass and the strings.
Other Notes
Wanted to do a rock guitar version. But then I hear Admiralbob's version, which sounded really nice. Decided to try a different approach. Glad I did. I think folks at ccM are tired of my rock remixes :)