Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

by Admiral Bob
Recommends (31)
Sun, Jul 4, 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

An Ovation shallowback acoustic, my mandolin, the M-Audio general midi module, a P-bass

Samples I Used

The voice and piano for Hourglass.

Original Samples

mandolin, acoustic guitar, bass, cello, strings


The first thing I did was put down a string section, with a huge church echo on it.

I played the cello for the up-climb, and then added the bass part doing all the rest of it.

I then added an acoustic guitar playing fingerstyle and threw a 2000 ms reverb on it. Lastly, I added the mandolin solo, breaking into it during the vocal so it didn't sound like some dude wandering in off the street with a mandolin. :)

Other Notes

There are certain artists I just seem to "get" such as Panu Moon and snowflake. I think that earthy music is hard to do well, and I find increasingly I'm remixing people who are doing it well.

As a result, this mix rolled out fairly easily, mostly with a single take for each part, and maybe I'm going to have to challenge myself, and get out of the comfort zone!