Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

Feeling Dark
by Artexflow
Recommends (18)
Wed, Apr 21, 2010 @ 6:29 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Software :
- Sequencer : Logic Pro 8
- Drums : Toontrack EZDrummer
- All instruments are synthetics, from Logic.

Samples I Used

Feeling Good by Forensic.

Original Samples

Everything else.


I decided to create another version of Feeling Good because I loved to work with this a cappella.

Except that I hadn't any instrument with me (I'm on vacation), just the MacBook and this sample.

So, I worked as before, in the style I've always exploited. Slow and heavy, with accents of post-rock/trip-hop...

I'm proud of the result but it's a bit strange, and I don't know if it will appeal...