How I Did It

Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
GarageBand, Macbook Pro.
Yamaha Vester electric (EMG active pickups).
Samples I Used
GarageBand drum loops.
Original Samples
Rhythm guitars, Lead electric guitar, bass (software instrument).
First I tried to figure out the chords that would fit panu's pell. Turned out to be E/A/B along those lines.
Recorded the rhythm guitar tracks. Then edited panu's vocals to fit the tempo and arrangement. Recorded the lead guitar part.
Exported the instrument/ track parts (e.g. vocals, rhythm, lead, drums) as AIF w/o reverb. Reimported to GarageBand and more fine-tuning of sound levels.
Added a bass to top off the song.
[Thanks to panu moon for the sound engineering advice! Hope this works out]
Other Notes
Had a fun-filled 3 days pretending to be a 80s rock band!