
How I Did It

Sunrise acoustic remix
by vvoois
Recommends (7)
Sun, Aug 24, 2008 @ 11:27 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Renoise 2.0 Alpha (DAW), native devices (compressor, stereo expander, filter), EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Gold, Applied Accoustics "String Studio", Natural Studio NS_Kit 7 Free, MDA Talkbox

Samples I Used

EWQL SO Gold and String Studio i own licenses personally. Natural Studio NS_Kit 7 released a free kit version of their extensive drumpack a few years ago, still my favorite acoustic drumkit for lots of purposes. Some old string sample from one of my older modules. A forest sample from Audiactiva from the site.
Ofcourse the vocals samples from Shannon Hurley.


I used some old string sample to modulate with the backing vocals using the talkbox. I really attempted to make these backing vocals so subtile as possible.
The start of the song is processed with a filter configuration to give you the idea that you are listening to some sort of radio in a room that you pass by from the outside.

The vocals have been cut in shorter pieces for me to more easily trigger them.

I put them in place first then started to figure out a chord line around them, then filled in the bass-line.
The drum pattern came later but was a very basic setup.
I mixed up the harmonics backing vocals of Shannon but not all backing vocals were applicable unfortunately and when doing the songbreak near the end i felt really trapped with the bass-line having the chordline already layed out, so i decided to ditch the chordline and starting with the bass-line instead, then writing a new chordline around that, which worked a lot better.

Emulating guitarstrokes is a piece of cake in Renoise, for that i used delay commands which allow you to add some subtile timing difference to emulate the full stroke from up to down and backwards again. This type of stuff is very hard, if not impossible to do in piano-roll based sequencers.

The strings have been added around the whole song procedure. They are my natural thing and i can make them squeel any way i want them to.
Does makes it hard for me to explain how i assembled the chords.
I don't use much technical music background. My ears are my only tools at which i perform trail and error.

This whole song took me a few weeks to produce, but if i should say a complete sequential time-span i roughly guess 16 hours in total have been put in it.

Other Notes

I'm currently testing the new Renoise 2.0 Alpha edition to see how much i can achieve with it in the current state.
The workflow will definately increase if you are already familiar with this tool.
When released, i shall put up some YouTube examples regarding the guitar emulation so you can try it in the demo (95% functional without timelimits except rendering and ASIO support) edition when it comes out.