Home » People » Scott Altham » "Apologize"


uploaded: Fri, Oct 3, 2014 @ 5:55 AM
byScott Altham
Recommends (25)
Good day fellow mixters!

I knew if I started to submit tracks to CC again that I’d immediatley get the bug for writing new tracks and start contributing regularly.

This track was started a few years back but I ran into writers block and it lay dormant on my hard disk until I rediscovered it last weekend. Snowflakes apologize pella fit like a glove when I was first testing pella’s against the backing track and so here is the resulting marriage between the two.

Enjoy and keep mixing.


by Scott Altham

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

No apologies necessary here. Scott Altham’s remix of Snowflake’s entreaty is set up so the meaning of the lyric will be be felt deep inside while moving to this supremely danceable, sonically sublime production. Bravo!


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