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Talkn bout the weather (pella)

uploaded: Sat, Aug 8, 2020 @ 9:00 PM last modified: Sat, Aug 8, 2020 @ 9:02 PM  (add)
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Here’s the pella for “ talkn bout the weather
Theres two files uploaded; a wet mp3 preview and a dry flac for remixing.

Please feel free to remix, just don’t talk about the weather.

Talkn bout the weather

Well we sat right down just the other day
try to put some words together
with a thousand and one better things to say
but we couldnt get past the weather

I heard its raining down all cats and dogs
and them mornings feel a little bit fresher
theres a cold front burning in my heart tonight
got me lookin to avoid the pressure.

Seems to me
we cant escape
talking bout the weather
Meteorically, unfortunately…
aint nothing but the weather…

My barometers’ boiling
and my temperatures rising
and I’m trying hard to hold it together
I turn my TV on,
hes got the blue screen on
and he’s trying to make some sense of the weather;
“Well its holdn in Nebraska
freezing in Alaska
birds are flying backwards in Denver
Theres a lady down the street
with bunions on her feet
and they’re pointing to a change in the weather”

Seems to me
we cant escape
talking bout the weather
Statistically, most likely
we’re talking bout the weather

and we’re talking: Blah Blah Blah…
I’m nodding: Ya Ya Ya …
I’m thinking : Nah Nah Nah…
Thats right I said: Nah Nah Nah…

Seems to me
I cant escape
talking bout the weather
Nothing else to do
but close your minds
and talk about the weather

Scomber 2020 x

"Talkn bout the weather (pella)"
by ScOmBer

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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