I extracted the chords, the song structure, the haunting vocals and the synths from Rewob’s original. Slowed it down and added a beat, bass, piano, guitar and FX on the synths. I also layered her beat from I am Free.
media, secret_mixter, remix, mixup, winter_2022, bpm_070_075, preview, rough_mix, sample, multiple_formats, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, VBR, flac, alternative, female_vocals, bass, piano, downtempo, trip_hop, guitar
Recommended by:
gurdonark, Calling Sister Midnight (romancito), MalreDeszik, Kara Square (mindmapthat), musikpirat, Rewob, Snowflake, SackJo22, Dysfunction_AL (destinazione_altrove), airtone, Apoxode, Darkroom (mactonite), texasradiofish, Milky Blue, Bluemillenium, Radioontheshelf, 7OOP3D, Calyman (Lemoneight), septahelix, vermiliontempera, SO SHA (thatcrazylittleasian), Robert Warrington (RobertWarrington)