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Fighting The Shadows

uploaded: Fri, May 3, 2019 @ 1:22 PM
FeaturingSascha Ende
Recommends (6)
For those who can only peer into the garden

Waking in the morning from a night of tribulation
Showering while coffee percolates
Take a pill maybe another crunch your way through milkless cornflakes
Pray for sunshine even when it rains
Dress now for the crowded streets the urgency of living speaks
But silence is the shroud that feeds the pain

But storm clouds form around your head the day begins to fall apart
The thought of being someone starts to hurt
The pretty girls won’t turn your head all your emotions are now dead
Someones thrown your life into the dirt

And dancers wearing metal tips tap dance their way onto your lips
The words try hard to keep your mind alert
But walls are built where paths should be your body aches for normalcy
The perfect answers never seem to work

"Fighting The Shadows"
by Radioontheshelf

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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