Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » PorchCat » "Delirious Fate"

Delirious Fate

uploaded: Sun, Feb 5, 2017 @ 10:52 PM
Recommends (15)
I’m falling into the well
from whence all the textures of dream spring
forth like a waterfall of spirits
flitting wildly through the aether
to find the mind waiting to wander
and yet
I’m awake.

My heart is pounding
faster still
the ringing in the ears
the singing in my head
races like a demon possessed
as everything else
a hum
slowly buzzing
and the world becomes molasses
a fly in amber
a spark frozen in time.

The Lord of Fate comes riding on the whirlwind
the thunder is his herald
and the waves are his voice
commanding that all march forward
into the new day
upon his scrolls he has written my name
next to yours
and the road he set me on
led to your door.

And I don’t just fall
I dive without a care
with bones itching on fire
and a soul full of passion
headfirst with eyes wide open
I’m falling in love with you.

"Delirious Fate"
by PorchCat

2017 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Delirious Fate is beautifully dark and melting with introspective richness. There are ropes and anchors in the heart of this mix. Porchcat pulls us down to a depth that is intoxicating, out of time, and beyond control. Like wine bottles in a shipwreck. There is a treasure here.
