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Lets Pretend by Kathy Brocks

uploaded: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 @ 10:26 PM
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“Lets Pretend” by Kathy Brocks

You wanna die having sex
let’s pretend that today is your last day
no more nooky
no more booggie

no more bush
no more weed

no more Aleza
no more Ha-oh

no more cheese and grits
no more Candie for your lips

no more waves with the hit
no more slaps ‘you like this’

darkness all around
no summer breeze hardening your tip
no more midnight strolls three times in a row
no more “what you want me to call your name fo”
if today was your last day you’d get saved

Let’s say today is your last day
Jesus’d say it like this

My burden is light, My yolk is easy not necessarily breezy
what’s mine is yours
ain’t no 70 virgins waiting to taste your tip or lick you from hip to hip

but your mansion is legit
I know what you like so I got it tight
this is just a perk cause I don’t wanna smell the ham coming outta your rear end
just kidding

Heaven is filled with the father’s love, real mountains to climb not turmoil
rivers to swim in and be refreshed, not wet from the stress of sin

Its yours for the having, no bragging, no price tags, no sweat equity
its yours for the true heart of confession
repent of your sin, denounce satan and all his works, receive Jesus into your heart to open the gates of heaven putting your name in the lambs book of life. Be judged for righteouness not sin
Standing in the presence of God with joy everlasting on earth as it will be in heaven amen.

So if today is your last day and you going out sexing it, forget it
pull it back in zip it up , pull down your dress
cause today is your last day no more messing around
this is the last day the holy spirit is gonna let you find Jesus. Repent of your stank, see a new day
Keep Jesus around for the everlasting.

"Lets Pretend by Kathy Brocks"
by KathyBrocks

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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