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Nanyang Journey (Instrumental)

uploaded: Sun, Sep 11, 2011 @ 3:00 AM last modified: Sun, Sep 11, 2011 @ 3:08 AM  (add)
byIvan Chew
Recommends (28)
From Webster’s Online Dictionary: “Nanyang (南洋; pinyin nán yáng) is the Chinese name for the geographical region south of China, particularly Southeast Asia. Literally meaning “Southern Ocean”, it came into common usage in self-reference to the large ethnic Chinese migrant population in Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysia and Singapore.”

PZ’s choice of title for his stems made me think of the Chinese diaspora, often literally translated as “Journey to the South”. Or more popularly known (where I come from) as “Journey to Nanyang”. Ok, end of the mini-heritage lesson :)

"Nanyang Journey (Instrumental)"
by Ivan Chew

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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Editorial pick

To call “Nanyang Journey (Instrumental)” east meets west would be trite, though the combination of guitar and Han folk music could certainly be described that way. Rather, Ivan, with all the skill of a craftsman welds the urgent pace of the 21st century with the timeless themes of days long past. This is a piece we can only hope to hear in many Tubed videos.

Admiral Bob