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The Remixin' Blues

uploaded: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 @ 8:33 PM last modified: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 @ 9:19 PM  (add)
byAdmiral Bob
Recommends (50)
The blues is a very subversive genre, but a nice genre. It treats the subjects of its’ criticism very gently. The model for this, to me, is “Mayor Daley Blues” by Eddy Clearwater, which gently chides the distance of politicians from the common man by inviting the mayor to start a blues bar up with the liquor commissioner.

So here’s my gentle reproach for Paul Williams, delivered back to him with some of his own career highlights.


I wish Mr. Williams would come remix a song
It’s a rainy day Monday and we’ve only just begun
You could add an Old Fashioned Love song to these blues we’re puttin’ down
You’ve already got permission, so why don’t you come play along
Come on down, Mr. Williams, won’t you please come on down
The remixin’ blues have come to town

Out in the country, Mr. Williams, you can groove
So remix til the family of man moves
Don’t worry about the royalties, its a non-commercial song
And we gonna sing it down, down all night long
Come on down, Mr. Williams, won’t you please come on down
The remixin’ blues have come to town

You know in Voyager, when the doctor sang so fair
The holographic singing made you want to share
I’m singing to you, to change your heart and mind
Get you tapping with those Qomar feet ‘til “it’s remix time!”
Come on down, Mr. Williams, won’t you please come on down
The remixin’ blues have come to town

"The Remixin' Blues"
by Admiral Bob

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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Editorial pick

Admiral Bob leads the charge as part of the “Freedom to Share” remix project, and offers up his tasty source for others to enjoy without fear of persecution. Another salty salute to our resident bluesman.

MC Jack in the Box