Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 6036 - 6048 of 6274 matches total
...g sound come up and play ball with the voice a bit more, without losing the clarity you've achieved here.
...its going on my mp3 player!
... phrases or samples played thru the track, but evertything doesn't have to come in tidy packages, and hip -hop shouldn't be polished
...e me, but begins to play...
... like what has been playing in my head, and it is really mind expanding and wonderful. thanks for working with another of my songs,
...g - i'm going to be playing them for my boys, not that they'll get it all (maybe a little nebulous at their ages)....thanks for work soulful and well also found some interesting harmonies to the vocals...absolutely five stars, compliment!
gurdonark's review of 'change (the rapper)' i think that the only instrument i ever play well is called "atmosphere". creative use of the...
... as piano and organ player i will look forward to hear your next surprises.... george
... on splice? it's a website we're about to launch where you remix cc samples online. i can get you an invite if you would like on
ran dumb dots...... .. .'s review of 'reminisce coast' man, this would be a great track to hear played extra loud riding in the back sea...
... can i put it in my website to people listen the remix? (for free obsviously).
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