Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 142284 - 142296 of 142625 matches total
dj peregrine review of "no meaning no" noice! a track with accual scratching in it! about the scratching, its off a little, your really really really...
creativelycommon review of "orchestral hit faire" i could have sworn i heard a whitney houston sample in there. let the sample witchhunting begin..
peaboy o'titis review of "no meaning no remastered (eminent fury rmx)" oooh! fight! smackdown between megabuzz and dr collosus on the kickball fiel...
peaboy o'titis review of "wadidyusay (beatgorilla's 28 grams remix)" very tasty. excellent use of samples. good ears.
peaboy o'titis review of "jiggy pop" good mix, but not great. i like the personality in the start, but it never really went anywhere.
peaboy o'titis review of "no meaning no(baptized and fondled) yes meaning yes!!" woohoo! a genuine idea! i love it. and it did bring me back to p-...
peaboy o'titis review of "sem cantores" good sound, laid back, but too static to really get me interested.
peaboy o'titis review of "urban_core-pure_pornography" feels like a test run with the tools without any real musical ideas. sorrry...
peaboy o'titis review of "no meaning no" yeah...this really is good stuff. well mixed and mastered. the low end sounds really nice. the beginning...
ashwan review of "no meaning no" oh shit, this is baaaad.
peaboy o'titis review of "no (sol's reversal remix)" agreed! this is a fantiastic first stab. very impressive. (i'm just starting out too...)
peaboy o'titis review of "technodj" aww started out with a killer groove for the first third, and then before you developed the idea, you j...
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