Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 12 - 24 of 24 matches total
... human witnessing species mutation there's nothing to do but awaken awaken awaken awaken awaken (out of the madness) aw
...efinitely different species! the admirals 12 bar started it all and ciggi's and jav's wonderful vocals did the rest. i added some
...on, celebrating all species and all creation. the sheer cliffs of sweetheart rock an amber trail of the setting sun, dancing
brown & gold the finished songs i create these days are rare, allmost an endangered species. one of the few that got to that final stage ...
...g on the edge of a year and an age tunneling inward change shouts on the pages mother is crying as master is lying "she's yo
little penguin the little penguin species (eudyptula minor)lives in australia and new zealand. it's the smallest penguin, about 12 or 13 ...
...te back hundreds of years. various forms of papas nativa survive in conditions that would befuddle other crops. the quechua peopl
...ix. sounds like the species has that kick-ass attitude, as expressed in kristin hersh's vocals. and that raw-something in hersh's vo
...ndered, can we as a species keep from failing while headed on this destructive path? in addition to this 128k mp3 preview, i've u
... by his child. this species is advancing on the nose. anyone who thinks i belong in a mental hospital, which has theoretically rig
mrs darwins sacred space this being the great man's year i got to thinking about darwin's evolution theories. accepting the theory it ...
the shouting species i've used the same idea in a different way here (hope you won't mind the repetition!). i added a few retro synths an...
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