Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

How I Did It

Rainbow Road
by Carosone
Recommends (9)
Mon, Jun 10, 2024 @ 11:39 AM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Melodyne for vocal pitch adjustment and new tythmic timing in the refrain.
Drums: EZdrummer 3
Bass: IK MODO Bass 2
Electric Piano: AAS Lounge Lizard Wurly
Guitar: AAS Strum GS2
Synth: Arturia Pigments 5

Samples I Used

narva9, ccmixter upload, CC Attribution Non Commercial

Original Samples

1. Complete electric piano part (wet)
2. synth effect with engine acceleration and final shimmering granular fx, panned in motion (wet)


I had pressure traces from a real engine near the catalyzer in the exhaust, sampled at 210kHz, I isolated a single cycle (360°), imported into Sonic Academy Node, a wavetable creator. Then imported the wavetable into Pigments and programmed the pitch drift and added a granular effect on a 2nd layer coming out after 5 seconds at the end of the engine sound.

Other Notes

Narva9 sung asymmetric verses and 3 different refrains, I mean, every take was different. Amazing skilled songwriting, so much to choose from. Melodyne did a mess on a word in the last refrain, I could replace a snippet from a previous one.