Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

All Her Memories After He Has...
by gurdonark
Recommends (16)
Sun, May 8, 2016 @ 4:05 AM

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Noiser 1.0, from

Samples I Used

All from Spinningmerkaba, and all BY:
Elephant bass
Elephant acoustic guitar
Warm Tremelo Twang
Bottoms Up Bass

Original Samples



I edited Bottoms Up bass to combine its bass lines into a shorter piece.
I time-stretched the warm tremelo twang
Then I put the samples into Noiser, which alters samples. After the samples cooked, crock-pot-like, overnight in Noiser, I recorded several different samples, edited out sections I did not like, and then cobbled the whole together in Audacity into one song.

Other Notes

I wanted to use pastiche compositional methods while still creating a more or less conventional song.

The melancholy in the tremelo twang reminded me of the indistinct yet poignant memories of a close relationship after its conclusion.