Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Trifonic - Good Enough (Agent...
by AgentC
Recommends (7)
Mon, Feb 8, 2010 @ 11:50 AM

Tools I Used

Ableton Live, NI Battery 2, NI FM8, KORG LegacyCell, reFX Vanguard, Ambience, Orange Vocoder, Sony Soundforge

Samples I Used

Trifonic - Good Enough vocal and the following samples: 1Goodbass, 2GoodBassMel, 2GoodClslGtr, 1Goodtelefon, 1Goodamb, 2Goodsynth, 2Goodamb, 5goodamb, 3Goodamb

Original Samples

Let see: whole drum kit(bassdrum,snare,hihats...etc), 2 bassline working together, 3 pads, the bamboo-like sound and some breakpoint-stuff


Ableton Live was the base software and I used a few of the built-in effects(delay,beatrepeat,saturator...etc) along with VST instruments and effects. The drum machine was NI Battery 2, the basses and pads are produced with NI FM8, KORG LegacyCell and a bit of reFX Vanguard. I use Ambience for reverbing, because the built-in reverb is useless, Orange Vocoder because it sounds better than the built-in. I build up all the music in Ableton and do the afterwork in Sony Soundforge, but that is just normalizing mainly. I don't know how detailed should this be but that's it for now...

Other Notes

I really enjoyed making this track, I had a great time because I love the original song, it turned my world. I was searching just for the acapella to make a bootleg but there was no need, it's here and available!Gorgeus song. I would like this to be a tribute to Trifonic, appreciating their hearth-warming music. I wanted to make it so people all around the world can enjoy it on the dancefloor. Thanks Trifonic and thanks ccMixter!