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Viewing 84 - 96 of 392 matches total
living without you thank you to the work of both artists.
clulow forester - vocals
synthă©s add: bluemillenium
syntă©s wave: ingeman..., just imagine
living life in peace
with [url=]a dreamer[/url] just li, just imagine
living life in peace
with [url=]a dreamer[/url] just li
... because when i was living in japan i would always wear the headphones when walking with the ipod in the top pocket so later in the
... because when i was living in japan i would always wear the headphones when walking with the ipod in the top pocket so later in the
...e are stardust in a living form
the heart of a star
i breathe
i pause
my heart beats in awe
when the darkest moments are upon
...e are stardust in a living form
the heart of a star
i breathe
i pause
my heart beats in awe
when the darkest moments are upon
christmas on mars this little retelling of a human's feelings about living on mars during christmas and is a parody of santa claus is com...
living in the city (evolve) lyrics:
busted up hard night
living in the city
one night i drive
all the way beyond the pines
...s only the unity of living death
eternally undying in the sunset land beyond the stars
but it hurts
and i forget who i am some da
...der the water,
i'm living now for all eternity in dagon's kingdom underneath the sea.
i'm getting down with dagon's daughter, my m
...ure proof.
i'll be living for tomorrow if it gets me through today.
i'll be clinging to my dreams while all my reasons slip away.
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